Bob the Brocolli Man

This afternoon, i felt a little creative and bored after writing a history essay so…. i made a broccoli man!
No, before you ask, i have no better use of my time!

Competition Update

Seing as i only recieved two answers, of which both were wrong, this weeks competition was a total failure!!! lol

So im giving up on the competition feature and starting a new one!!
“Wally of the Week”
Each week i will post a person who is going to be my “Wally of the Week” whether it be a famous person, someone know or a reccomendation from someone!
If you would like to suggst someone to be “Wally of the week”, email me at

Bye for now,

I Hope Not

All i can say is, i really hope not!

Red iPod

Cleethorpes Pics

Cleethorpes in January


Guess where im going today, Cleethorpes, in January. Odd i know, its kind of a family tradition, go to the most boring place on the east coast in the coldest month of the year, have fish and chips and then come home. All the same, its a difference from staying in the house isnt it?

Talk to you soon,


Its the 27th, and ive just finished the most boring day of school i think ive ever had. Damn PSHE!!
And ive found a good piece of software today, It allows you to place virtual Post/it notes on your desktop, lol.

Anyway, have a good weekend!!!


Hello people,

its the 25th, im knee deep in business studies homework (which i have abandoned) (i might just hand it in with a post/it note attached, lol).

Anyway, school has been the same, with a few interesting moments and revelations, but apart from that, school is school i suppose.

Anyway, see you later, got to write that post/it note!

Andrew or (MSN Messenger)

The Tale of the Beached XBox

A guy walking along a beach spotted a washed up x-box.
Maybe its a sign, maybe the high-tech version of a message in a bottle??? artPad artPad