
Hello Weirdos, no thats not very nice.

Hello Crazy People,
Haven’t posted for a while i was enjoying Half Term too much.
Anyway, im back at school, boring as usual, up to eyes in stress about that damn language learning course, THERES NO POINT TO THE STUPID THING!!!!! ARRRRGGGHHHH.
But, saying that, im gonna have to finish it because quite frankly im scared of what might happen if i get “Invited” into Mr T’s Office!!! Ive heard bad things, honestly! (Ask Moxon)

Bought a new iPod!!! YEAAAAAAAAH, my new baby! The best gadget ive ever owned yet”

New section this time, Andrew’s Crazy Predictions!!! Im normally quite good at this type of stuff!!

  1. I reckon that the Robbery of £40 Million that happened today was done by the hostage guy himself, i bet you!! Honestly, give it a month or so and itll be in all the papers!
  2. I and/or Alex will fall over faced first into mud on the way home in the next few weeks, its inevitable folks.
  3. Mr T will have his hair cut to look like David Beckham and everyone will laugh at him in Assembly on Wednesday Morning! (Or was that a dream i had???)
  4. CSI – Nick Stokes will have some kind of breakdown at the end of this season and leave the show.

You mark my words people, youll all be coming to me for reading when i get all this stuff right!!!

Thats about it for today i think, except for one thing.

Promise me people, never forget what im about to tell you, and never forget the answer to lifes eternal question…….

Who does live in that pineapple under the sea???


P.S. My Favourite word is no longerBUNGALOW, it has been taken off me by The Devil Himself

About abooth202
My name is Andrew. Hi.

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