Bob’s World Tour


Bob has awoken, but sadly, only to find that the cryogenical freezing process has damaged his brain and left him only with the capability of saying “wibble”.
But, to see his last days off, i decided to send him on a world tour.
Click on the pics to enlarge them to find Bob.

Heres Bob in Rome at the Colleseum

Heres Bob in Sydney, Australia at the Opera House

Heres Bob in Egypt, at the Pyramids

So, wheres Bob now?
Im sad to say that the cryogenic effects wore off at 12.30pm Sunday 5th March 2006.
We shall Remember him.

Andrew Booth


Hello again,

Not much to write about this week.
School has been AMAZINGLY boring as usual.

My Page on Bebo –
My Page on MySpace –

Bye Bye for now.
Ill try and post something more interesting during the week!
