WOW! First post in ages!

Hi all, i dont know how long its been since i last made a post on here, but i thought it was about time i did so here goes.
Not much has happened recent times, apart from the obvious AS exams, but they’re over and done with now so ill forget about them until results day.
In school life, possibly the worst news of the year, Mr Taylor is leaving his post as head of sixth to be replaced my Mr Naylor. Now i know im in the minority when i say that i think Mr Taylor rocks, but all the same, i know that many people are not happy with his replacement, but i guess time will only tell how much of an impact Mr Naylor will make after Taylor has made his mark.
Not that anyone reads this, but congratulations to the newly appointed Head Students, make the school proud!
Straying away from school news and moving swiftly onto sports! Now i know what youre thinking, Andrew and Sports!!!??? Well it doesnt actually involve me! Im talking about the World Cup and Wimbledon.
So..England are through to the quarter finals in the world cup and the nation is supporting their team! However, whilst England is thriving in the football world, once again, Tiger (Tim) Henman has been knocked out of Wimbledon at only the second stage, must be a record even for him. So i guess our sporting achievements lie in the hands of Sven and his team. COME ON ENGLAND!!!!
As quickly as it started, it is almost over again! What am i talking about… Doctor Who of course, there are only two finale episodes left, and then season 2 of the best show in the world will be finished, but i spose we’ll have something to watch in the meantime with Torchwood being shown in the summer.
In other TV news, my sister has informed me of an event that will be taking place between Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle on an upcoming episode of CSI, and this seems to be have been re-enforced with the looks that the two characters were giving each other in last nights episode! So, do Gil and Sara finally get together?? After all, its not a secret that theyve had feelings for each other since season 1.
Anyway, back to reality, one point i would like to make before signing off today, my name is Andrew not Andy, and id appreciate it if people call me Andrew rather than Andy. It might sound picky but its just something that annoys me.
Point two, i have a habit of messing with my watch when im bored or akward and id like it if people stop taking the mick out of me for doing it. Thanks.

Well thats all for now, i hope my relatively lengthy post will suffice for the time being, and if anyone has any ideas or topics that i can include on my blog in the future, please contact me on the address below. Thanks for reading.


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Talk later,