
I recently did one of the most geekiest things that anyone can do, i bought an Ant farm. I thought it would be a good idea and it looks pretty cool too.
Anyway, i thought i could make a series of blog articles from this, and so ill be updating you with my Ants’ progress over the coming weeks (if they live that long).

Day 1

  • Catching them is a lot harder than you would think
  • They just seem to be having some kind of meeting in the corners
  • I think they’re conspiring against me
  • Apart from the four “starter tunnles” i made, not one of them has got off their backside and started to dig!


a rare literary delight

I hate books as much as the next person but for all of you decidedly illiterate slobs out there I highly recommend you read the da vinci code. Or if, more likely, you can’t be arsed just read chapter 74 – It’s funny, erotic and it makes you hate the church.

Another slice of classic pulp are the unmatchable Sin City graphic novels. If you haven’t seen the movie yet then you should be utterly ashamed of yourself. If you wanna read ’em go to your nearest comic book store (I think the most easily accessible one is on the lanes at meadowhall) or you can just ask me, not that I’m likely to co-operate.

And of course, finally, my favourite of all time, which began my lifelong affair with classic literature – the Where’s Wally series. Sure – you might hate that spekky little git as much as Harry Potter but you haven’t lived until you’ve read at least one.

Oh, yeah, and Lord of the rings, Catcher in the rye, Tom Sawyer, Lord of the flies and all that other bullshit. PEACE OUT!!

Oh, and did anyone know that there’s a font named after a french siege device – trebuchet NAANAANANANAA – i know more than you do *pffffft*

Fantastic Fact of the Week

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

Response to Lim’s Linday Lohan Post; check out this link

Lindsay Lohan playing a rather…….different……Hermione Granger


Lindsay Lohan is marmite

Lindsay Lohan – you know who she is. Even if you’re an eskimo unic buried under a mountain for half a generation, who lost their eyes in tribute to their heavily pregnant ex-wife and ate their ears to cure their severe calcium defficiency – you still know who she is. So what is it that draws us to Lindsay Lohan, or more importantly what is it that repels us from Lindsay Lohan – the answer is – nobody knows. From her crappy beginnings on the parent trap (where she was twins – you know, so there was like 2 of her) to her even crappier teen movies, such as – well – every teen movie there is, Lindsay Lohan has always been universally loved or hated. Thus I put it to you that she is an experiment in food technology – the ultimate embodiment of the thick brown stuff itself. LINDSAY LOHAN – if you are reading this, then we know all about your deepest, darkest yeast extracts and if need be, we have the means to destroy you, so don’t you dare release an album. For more satirical information on Lindsay Lohan find her at this highly educational site

dam – i h8 havn 2 typ in ful englsh

Bank Holiday Mondays – A History

So, tomorrow is Bank Holiday Monday, and that got me thinking, what is a Bank Holiday and how did they come to be?

From Wikipedia

A Bank Holiday is a public holiday in the United Kingdom and also in the Republic of Ireland. Although there is no legal right to time off on these days, the majority of the population not employed in essential services (e.g. utilities, fire, ambulance, police, health-workers) receive them as holidays; those employed in essential services usually receive extra pay for working on these days. Bank holidays are so called because they are days upon which banks are (or were) shut and therefore (traditionally) no other businesses could operate.
Prior to 1834, the Bank of England observed about thirty-three saints’ days and religious festivals as holidays, but in 1834, this was drastically reduced to just four: 1 May, 1 November, Good Friday, and Christmas Day.
It was then not until exactly a century after the 1871 Act that the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 was passed; it is still in effect today. The table below details the bank holidays specified in the 1971 Act;

Date Name
1 January New Year’s Day
2 January 2nd January
17 March St Patrick’s Day
The Friday before Easter Sunday Good Friday
The day after Easter Sunday Easter Monday
First Monday in May¹ May Day Bank Holiday (or Early May Bank Holiday in Scotland)
Last Monday in May² Spring Bank Holiday (Whitsun)
First Monday In June June Bank Holiday
12 July Battle of the BoyneOrangemen’s Day
First Monday in August Summer Bank Holiday
Last Monday in August Summer Bank Holiday
Last Monday in October October Bank Holiday
25 December Christmas Day
26 December or 27 December ³

So, there you go! Another thing you now know thanks to Wikipedia!

Bye for now,

P.S. Welcome to our new blogger, LIM!

New blogger

Good evening, if you’re not reading this in the evening then tough – i’m not saying hello to you. this is the voice of the new guy, who in a severe lapse in common sense, booth actually allowed me to edit his page. HAHAHAHAHA. I am LIM – hello

Segways Banned!

Segways now banned on British sidewalks

Ah, Segways — some love ’em, some play polo with ’em, and still others prefer to ban ’em, courtesy of a 171-year-old highway law. That’s right, last month, the British Department of Transportation said “no, sir” to the good ‘ol go-go gyroscope. In fact, the DoT went so far as to issue “Regulations for Self-balancing Scooters”, citing non-compliance with European safety laws and with the Highway Act of 1835. Apparently riding your Segway on private property is cool, but on public sidewalks — or to use the British spelling, footpaths — is a big no-no. Upset about it? Go write your MP! Or better yet, hand-carry your letters direct to Parliament. Surely, as we write, Dean Kamen himself must be rallying the infuriated legions of British Segway riders to storm the Palace of Westminster — that is, assuming they’re not waiting to be armed with the intimidating power of the Centaur.


Andrew Booth


So.. i said I’d be posting more often, so here i go!
Well, what have i been up to this week. I went to Meadowhall yesterday and bought some new books!!!!!

  • The Bible Code
  • Holy Blood, Holy Grail
  • The World according to Clarkson
  • Beyond The Da Vinci Code
  • Beyond Angels and Demons

Another thing i wanna talk about it YouTube. Im sure you all know what it is,, so im just gonna suggest some users to look out for as i spend way too much time watching videos.

Ive made a couple of videos, nothing special, but im hoping to be more creative in the future, if you want to keep an eye on my account, here it is,

Fantastic Fact of the Week

In the movie “The Matrix Reloaded” a 17 minute battle scene cost over $40 million to produce

So, as usual, if anyone has any suggestions, email me.
Bye for now,

Fantastic Fact of the Week!

More than 2500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.

Yeah, im not 100% sure that its a fact, but its funny anyway!

New Look!!!

Hey all, sorry for the long gap in posting, its not that I’ve had other things to do, its just that I’m lazy!
Well, anyway, I thought id start my post by pointing out to you the new look. Its a bit dull I know, but I wanted something simple and I guess nothing is simpler than black and white is it?
So….What’s been happening? Well to be honest, absolutely nothing, being the total antisocialite that I am, now that I’ve finished watching all my X Files DVD’s, I have absolutely nothing to do, which is one of the reasons why I thought id post on here.

I have had time to take in another load of the internet though, so I thought id share with you some of the sites that have got me interested over the past few weeks.
As some of you may know, IM addicted to watching videos on YouTube. And from my travels on there, I have found this guy. His name is Peter, he’s 78, and he posts videos on YouTube about his life and new found love of the site. Nice to know that some older people actually know how to use the internet. You should have a look around YouTube, there’s some really good, funny stuff on there if you can bare to filter out all the rubbish that comes with it!
Anyone who knows me, will probably know that I am a bit of an Apple freak, so I want to tell you about the Keynote that they presented last week. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, did his presentation at WWDC announcing a new Mac and some new software. If you’re at all interested, you can read Engadget’s review of the keynote here. Or if you fancy settling down in front of your monitor for an hour or so, you can watch the webcast here.

Anyway, that’s about all I can say for now, I promise to post more often in the future.
Before i sign off, if anyone actually reads this blog, can you let me know. Thanks. Im sad i know, but id prefer to know if im actually just talking to myself.
