Fantastic Fact of the Week!

More than 2500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products.

Yeah, im not 100% sure that its a fact, but its funny anyway!

New Look!!!

Hey all, sorry for the long gap in posting, its not that I’ve had other things to do, its just that I’m lazy!
Well, anyway, I thought id start my post by pointing out to you the new look. Its a bit dull I know, but I wanted something simple and I guess nothing is simpler than black and white is it?
So….What’s been happening? Well to be honest, absolutely nothing, being the total antisocialite that I am, now that I’ve finished watching all my X Files DVD’s, I have absolutely nothing to do, which is one of the reasons why I thought id post on here.

I have had time to take in another load of the internet though, so I thought id share with you some of the sites that have got me interested over the past few weeks.
As some of you may know, IM addicted to watching videos on YouTube. And from my travels on there, I have found this guy. His name is Peter, he’s 78, and he posts videos on YouTube about his life and new found love of the site. Nice to know that some older people actually know how to use the internet. You should have a look around YouTube, there’s some really good, funny stuff on there if you can bare to filter out all the rubbish that comes with it!
Anyone who knows me, will probably know that I am a bit of an Apple freak, so I want to tell you about the Keynote that they presented last week. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, did his presentation at WWDC announcing a new Mac and some new software. If you’re at all interested, you can read Engadget’s review of the keynote here. Or if you fancy settling down in front of your monitor for an hour or so, you can watch the webcast here.

Anyway, that’s about all I can say for now, I promise to post more often in the future.
Before i sign off, if anyone actually reads this blog, can you let me know. Thanks. Im sad i know, but id prefer to know if im actually just talking to myself.
