another reason why god doesn’t exist

First of all. I’m bored, very, very bored. If your bored and don’t want to be more bored i suggest you switch over to the playboy channel……………go on, do it………………you still here? All right but you asked for this. Right the bible says that the world was made in 6 days which science has already proven incorrect, but whatever, the point is – when you make something, think about how easy it is to destroy it. all you have to do is throw it on the floor or take a hammer to it. We all know that god doesn’t want us to live forever (yunno if god exists) to make us live forever would be a fate worse than death, which makes it logical to presume that God, in his grand master plan, will someday extinguish the life of the earth. However this raises the paradox that man is already destroying the earth. whether mankind manages to correct this blunder or not is irrelevant. the point remains that God is either letting the earth live forever or is letting it die slowly. In each case God is not delivering the swift merciful stroke of death therefore undoing the image of the “all-merciful” one. And there you have it, one more reason why god doesn’t exist. Organised religion is a bad thing – even atheism has it’s own fucking sects

If you’re gonna waste money just buy drugs

I know this seems like a really trivial and pathetic thing to write about but it really pisses me off. Introducing the new furniture. Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking – has he had 6 pints tonight or just 5. To be honest I’ve lost track myself in all this excitement, but seeing as this is a 4 piece suit and table deal and more than capable of giving you really bad neck pains you’ve got to ask yourself one question – “would I buy it?” Well would ya, punk?

I mean seriously what the fuck is up with this – DOLPHINS, who the fuck wants dolphins? When have dolphins ever entered into a living room situation. Does anyone out there have a pet dolphin? And why the hell does anyone make a table out of glass. Is that what consumers want these days? do they want to scream and wail at their kids for damaging their brand new, designer status symbol. just looking at it makes me want to put it through – I’ll do it at night when it’s not expecting anything. Who’s bright idea was it to have wood juttying out of you armrests. Would you leave your brakeline jutting out of your car and hope everyone would consider it postmodern – No you wouldn’t – cos any fool knows that if you lay bait, chavs will trash your car before you can say burberry. You stumble in from a late night and before you know it you’ve smashed your teeth on your sofa before you’ve even had a chance to crash. Has anyone ever had any leather furniture? Everytime you move your arsecheeks it’s sounds like sticking a pig. There’s not even enough space to sit anyway. I would have thought the steady increase in the obeasity of school children would have forced the government to introduce some kind-of fatty friendly laws, think about it – when’s the last time you saw a stool in a big fat guys kitchen (no offence to the fat chicks). I mean shit I’m only 10 1/2 stone and I’m slipping out of these “chairs” more often than a wet fish. But NO here’s all that’s wrong with the world sitting in my front room smirking at me with it’s smug little apolstreyness. And my beloved comfortable furniture that I could sleep in for days on end is now bunged into the back of a lorry on it’s way to the dump

But screw it youknow, it’s not my money they’ve wasted

I’ve just thought – this also raises the much more important moral issue of today’s one-night-stand culture. the moral is – “prostitute’s are too expensive” is that the moral? I duno I’m really too tired to type anymore. Discern your own moral apologue, I ain’t doin shite more for ya!!


Day 3

“Be patient at first. The ants may take up to 24-48 hours to start tunneling. The gel is an alien environment to the ants and it can take some getting used to.”
That is from the instruction book that came with my AntWorks ant-farm, So…let me update you on their progress.
After 72 hours of the ants being in the farm, they have yet to start digging, they are more interested in trying to nibble away the foam that seals the lid on the tank. My solution….sellotape!!! MWAHAHAHA! Anyway, ive had a look round on the net and seen some reviews that it took a week for their ants to start digging, so i haven’t given up hope completely.

Fantastic Fact of the Week

Australian green ants are eaten by the aboriginals. Their abdomen tastes like lemon sherbet, are high in vitamin C and have antibiotic properties. Squashed green ants mashed in water makes up an excellent lemon-lime flavored drink. The Amazon is also said to have lemon ants

Yesterday, we went to the National Space Centre in Leicster, so i thought id give you a review.
Dont go! it rubbish!!!.
No, thats not totally true, included with the entrance ticket is a film, which when we went was “Astronaut” narrated by Ewan McGregor (i think i spelt that right). That was amazing because it was shown in a domed cinema, when you sat down, the chairs reclined so you were looking up at the dome and the picture was projected right across the ceiling. Ive seen one like it in Futuroscope in France, but this was HUGE!!! Apparently it is the only domed cinema that uses the entire dome surface (?!?) Anyway, that bit was excellent. But apart from that, there wasnt really much to see or do.
However, saying that, if youre stuck for ideas on where to go, give it a try!

Bye for now
