Saw 3 review

As promised, here it is. First of all, viewers please beware; if you haven’t seen the previous “Saw” instalments you will be completely in the dark on this one (quite literally).
It opens up like any other horror movie; sun in the sky, birds singing, unsuspecting victims serenading their loved ones…….No, I’m kidding, theirs blood and screaming and all manner of curse words from start to finish. As with Saw 2, the story focuses mainly on Jigsaw and his new apprentice Amanda, along with their little black and white and red all over dummy. The new game is this: – A female surgeon is abducted and told that she must keep the dying Jigsaw alive for as long as it takes another victim to make it through a series of expectedly horrific tests. Little do they know that Jigsaw has something much greater in mind.
Let’s face it, neither sequel could never live up to the shock value and twists of the original, but this one succeeds unexpectedly where Saw 2 failed, instead of becoming just the 2nd sequel, it binds the trilogy together and throws in “blink-and-you’ll-miss-’em” cameos along the way. Not to say that it loses any of the trademark sadism. The contraptions are as imaginative as ever and occasionally more gruesome than ever (A particular highlight for sickos is the craniotomy scene). The cast is well assembled, with Tobin Bell shining as Jigsaw and Angus MacFadyen giving an angry, tortured performance as his victim. Overall I’d say about…….4 stars

on a separate note check out this place it’s kind of unoriginal but unconventional – in a good way