Casino Royale review

First of all, let it be said that all fans of submarine cars, maliciously related one liners and henchmen who COULDN’T shoot fish in a barrel are all going to be sorely disappointed. Casino Royale sets itself apart by making every effort to become the one film that Austin Powers wouldn’t be able to spoof.

For all the uninformed, Casino Royale is a rejuvenation of the saga, introducing us to Bond as a newly credentialed 00 – still learning the ropes of taking lives at will, and learning to keep his ego in check – lending a welcomed dose of reality to the “new” franchise.

Not to say that it becomes an overlong episode of Spooks, but it manages to find a balance of Spooks and 007 between the eye-popping action and the ever-present seedy undercurrent of politics. Unfortunately the third act does suffer slightly from an overdose of realism, ditching the “final battle” that we’ve all become accustomed to in favour of a deeper storyline – leading it to be rather anticlimactic.

Every Bond film always manages to introduce something new, and in this, Casino royale is no different. The poker game, which is of course, central to the story allows for a bit of tension which has always been missing from Bond……And then there’s the torture scene………I’d rather not spoil the surprise

For all the “Blonde Bond Haters” – Daniel Craig leaves quite a lasting impression as the newest addition, embodying the aforementioned developing ego very skilfully. In addition Judi Dench gives her best performance as M to date, stating quite bluntly –
“One more syllable Bond, and I’ll have you killed”

…The bad guys could have been better!

One more thing – the title sequence is pretty good but the music FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!


I’m seeing Casino Royale on Sunday (hopefully) and so – yes you guessed it – time for another film review.

And if your all very, very good I’ll review Jackass number 2 when I see it, aswell


Hey all,
Last night was BBC Children in Need night, and throughout the night I had mixed feelings about the whole event. So what i thought i would do, is open the topic of charity up for discussion, put forward my views and then anyone who wishes to reply can do so in the comments section.
Whilst i like to think of myself as quite a charitable person, I couldn’t help but get myself worked up about some of the short films they showed last night on TV. I’ll use a project thats local as my example;
Swinton Locks is an activity centre based in Mexborough that provides activities for ‘children that are heading in the wrong direction’. Basically this means that if a kid is misbehaving in school and not getting along with their education, they can be reffered to the centre to take part in activities such as,
“Fishing, Arts & Crafts,Digital Art, Spraycan Art and Boat Handling”
From here on, the centre aims to improve the communication and social skills of the kids, so that they can be re-entered into the education system.
Now, this is what really annoys me. Bad behaved kids who have no respect to others, adults and teachers get to be taken out of school and effectively get to play around until someone decides they are fit to go back to school. Now i know that if i was in this situation, i would prefer to spend the day fishing, boating etc than go back to school, and no doubt i would exploit the system. So my question is, how is this helping the kids??
The children in schools who are hardworking, intelligent, kind, nice and respectful – what do they get in return? Do they get to go fishing for a day? Do they get special treatment? NO!!!!! It is only due to these children being able to see their future that they stick with their education and not act like a total idiot.
These disrespectful kids, however, get to spend their days doing fun stuff. In my opinion, this is acting as a reward for being disrespectful!!

This is just something that really annoys me, so what do you think?

Andrew Booth


Yes i know, haven’t posted for ages. But i felt i had to make a change for this next little item. As some of you may know, i recently recieved a gift. A slightly unconventional one i admit, but all the same, a gift!
I was very happy with my lemon that was bought for me by Wardy, that i deciced to let it make friends…..
Here’s Perky (thats his name by the way) with my cat Giggles, they don’t seem to be getting along.

Here’s Perky with some other fruit.

Here’s Perky with iDoggy, his batteries run out a while back but i think they’ll make good friends.

Here’s Perky with Violet, Klaus and Sunny. He didn’t really enjoy this as Perky cannot swim very well, although the fishies seemed to like him.

Bye for now,