Santa Jam 2006

Well the santa jam went off without a hitch (by hitch I mean fatality) Although I do a have a rather comprehensive roster of injuries.

Highlights of the day would have to be;

-The rather bemusing incident of a muslim woman shouting at us all
-Bashing my elbow on the run/jump down from the odeon to lower street level
-The numerous tellings-off by security guards (can you blame them – their working on FUCKING CHRISTMAS EVE!!)
-Having our picture taken with the foreign tourists
-Singing “all I want for Christmas” – badly!!
-being insulted by OAPs!
-And of course the 7 seperate occasions where I bashed my shin (I have a gory picture if you want to see)

Anyway here’s the video I promised (I’m the one in the white shirt)

and here’s me just being me!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

my new year’s resolutions

I know it’s not 07 yet but I need to write these all down before I wimp out and take them all back

1. study harder
2. allow for at least a 3 day waiting period after an injury before doing something else stupid
3. stop eating so many fucking burgers from Pete’s – in fact – no more Pete’s!!
4. don’t see every last film that i hear about – it’s a waste of money!
5. no more TV between 3:00 and 7:00 apart from the Simpsons
6. more fresh fruit and veg
7. stop hitting Hunton and Mark so much – it’s bad karma!! (I only need someone to ask me nicely to take back this one)

btw this is me in my new santa suit (all ready for the santa jam in shef city centre tomorrow) with my step sis’ grandma

I’ll let you know how that goes at al later date (with the possibility of a video – YAAAY)

(Oh and that is Stargate SG-1 in the background. And shall i tell you why – cos stargate fucking ROCKS and I will kill anyone who disagrees!)


As requested.

Andrew Booth

House MD Video

My Video inspired by my favourite TV programme, House M.D.
Check out my YouTube account : username abooth202
