Guy Love

Ok, so everyone loves Scrubs, there’s no denying that.

So for you enjoyment, here’s Turk and JD, singing a duet to their love for each other, called Guy Love


– Oatzy.

I KNEW IT!!!!!!

Well, I guess we were all right.


Andrew Booth

Coming of Age

Hey all.
Over the past few months, quite a few people I know have celebrated their 18th Birthdays. I happened to stumble on a website that listed a few traditions around the world, connected with coming of age. In HINDUISM, coming of age involves several religious ceremonies and apparently, when reaching age 18, it is tradition to give a key as a gift. (WTF?!?).
Anywhoo, it seems in Britain that the main focus of becoming 18, is the newfound legality to drink, and for most people involves what one could only call, a piss-up, although another tradition is celebrating the transformation from childhood into adulthood by displaying pictures of the 18 year old as a child.

tata for now.

Andrew Booth

P.S. Happy Birthday Oatzy. (Nice Trousers!)

Frist Psot

Yes, this is my first post here. I’m the new writer, they call me Oatzy (but you probably already know that).

The question was, what should I do for my first post here? It had to be good, it had to be memorable, but above all – it had to be random! So to that end, I shall begin.

Firstly, we all know Vincent Price, star of so many great, classic horror films. But, did you know he also advertised milk?

Funny stuff.

Second, I should be revising right now, but I’m evidently not. Maybe this can explain why. It’s a scientific study into procractination (including a formula !).

And finally (for now) what random post is complete without a rondom nuget of interesting information.

Did You Know – Nikola Tesla* cojoured up some seriously weird ideas (and patents) in his later life. These include such oddities as;
the Thought Camera*, force fields, Tesla-Vision*, a Poket Earth-quake Machine, Anti-gravity Spaceships, Teleportation, Time Machines, Particle Weapons (all in the late 19th century, and based on some ‘fairly’ sound theory).
And to top things of, he even slagged off Einsteins Theory of Relativity.

– Song of the Week?
Lets try – Weird Science by Oingo Boingo

So there you have it.
Till Next time. (It’s back to revision for me)


* Of Tesla coil fame, discoverer of AC current, namesake of the unit for magnetic induction, all round mad scientist, etc. etc
* This is a devise to take images from the mind and create physical copies (ie photographs)
* “
a wireless communications system involving impulses delivered directly to the epidermis”

The Producers

Hey, thought I’d let you know of my new favourite film. The Producers by Mel Brooks, here’s a clip.

It’s an excellent film, i suggest you watch it! If i know you, and you want to borrow it, just let me know.
A touring version of the musical, starring Peter Kay, is coming to Manchester next month, hopefully i’ll get to see it.

Andrew Booth

P.S. I don’t like to admit it, but i think i have been defeated on my iPhone arguments. It’s weird how I didn’t see all the faults until people pointed them out, maybe I am obsessed with Apple? I have made a late new years resolution though, I am not going to buy another Apple product (except maybe a new computer if i need one) in the coming year. Talk later.

iPhone response

Ok, here we go.

Point Number One – It isnt just a phone, as i described in my post.

Point Number Two – The statement i made about Mac OS X being the most advanced operating system ever, wasnt my personal opinion. It is actually supported,

“Mac OS X is the world’s most advanced operating system”’s listing for Mac OS X – Apples own description, which they haven’t been sued over!
“Tiger is simply the most advanced personal Operational System on Earth!” MICROSOFT employee!!!

Point Number Three – Granted, most phones nowadys can play music, but the iPhone, is the ONLY phone that uses a fully functioning browser to surf the interent. All other phones have built in WAP browsers, 3G Browsers and none can render full screen webpages- FACT!

Point Number Four – I agree, the answer Sam got was obviously biased. But tell me this, why is it that all powerful processes that are performed by a computer, eg – Music/Film production, Photography, Server Design, Calculations and Web Crawling, are all majoritively performes with Macs, or Mac Based Server clusters? Once again, it is not my opinion, but a fact that Macs handle resources better than PCs do, they have better memory management, graphic rendering and alltogether faster processor speeds, relative to the same spec processors of PCs.

Point Number Five – The “TV box thingy”, actually called Apple TV, is not new and neither is it radical. It has been done many times before, see this website for a list of devices that do exactly the same thing, .

Andrew Booth

NO JUST NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“What amazed me about the iPhone is that it runs Mac OS X as its operating system, the undeniably most advanced operating system there is!” – this is nonsense. (emphatic full stop)



I’m not even trying to start an argument its just that these Apple (Mac) lovers make no sense in their argument. I even have an example -> Sam Vardy (great guy really, silly mistake)

“Macs are better I even went in Apple shop and they said it was better than PC” – Hmmmmmm what would you expect if you asked this question in an Apple shop!?!?!?!?!?

You seriously should have mentioned the box thingy for TV much better and more radical and new.

Rant Over (2 weeks until exams are finished :-))


Apple iPhone

So, it’s happened. Apple have finally released their version of a mobile phone. And all i can say is,
“WOW” and “Ouch”.
Yeah, well in the standard tradition of Apple and the niche market it exploits, the US price of the iPhone is $499, which converted is about £257. However, the BBC have done an analysis based on the US and UK prices of a Mac Mini, and have predicted that the UK price, when it comes out over here, will be roughly £335. Typical British inflation issues going on there I think.
Anywhoo, what is it? Stupid question you may say, “its a phone”. You’d be a third right. Apple have made the iPhone, basically something that includes nearly all the gadgets you use on a daily basis, excluding a gaming device.

Part 1 – An iPod. Yup, the phone contains either a 4GB or 8GB flash drive iPod (above prices for 4GB). Allows the playback of Music, Photos and Videos.
Part 2 – An ‘internet communications device’, basically meaning that you can surf full webpages via Mac’s browser Safari, access emails etc.
Part 3 – The phone itself

What amazed me about the iPhone is that it runs Mac OS X as its operating system, the undeniably most advanced operating system there is! To move around the phone, the screen is touch sensitive, and boasts a new technology, “Multi-touch”. If you’ve ever seen Minority Report you’ll know immediatley what Im talking about. Basically, you can use two fingers on the screen at one time, allowing for things such as zooming in/out of photos (ie, to zoom, move two fingers apart). It boasts Wi-fi, allowing users to browse the internet via a wireless internet connection.
One of my fellow contributors on this blog, Alex, generally doesn’t like Apple products, and whilst i admit some of his arguments are safe ones, im going to put forward my opinion on the new phone and no doubt, he will provide his.
Personally, i love the idea of combining these things, the only downside is obviously the price. However, unike some Apple products, i think that in this case, the price is justified. I can only imagine the amount of research and development that has gone into this product, Apple stating that they filed 200 patents in the proecess, and it is to be expected for the price to be high to cover these costs. This afternoon, a guy called Dan Warne, an Apple enthusiast on an Apple related blog, posted 10 things that he saw wrong with the iPhone, however, i think that his conclusion sums up the power Apple has over its customers, he said that despite the 10 things that were nagging him, he is still going to buy one. How many products have obvious faults, and yet, the majority of people will overlook them just for the company name? I just thought that was insightful.

Anyway, Alex, you’re witness.

Talk to you soon,

Weird Day

Well today a couple of strange things have happened

1) I think I actually learnt something in Chemistry. Although Mr Wislon made a bit of a fool out of himself by stating we shall just wait for the 2 others that are missing, no problem until we all realised that there was actually 3 people missing and had told him lesson before they wouldn’t be here.
Also Mr Wilson found some stuff in syllabus we haven’t done yet and he had forgotten about it.

2) We actually finished work on time – went for a McFlurry to celebrate.

Right back to main focus of this post – Employee Of The Month.
I have been asked about this film and so I going to talk about it.
It was ok,bit odd. It had a few funny bits and a little twist at the end. Although some of the acting was a bit questionable. I must also state it wasn’t very realistic the whole concept of a store like that is a bit of a mystery.


Cruelty To People Must Stop Now …. Send Big Brother Where It Belongs.

Isn’t this a bit snazzy. No sooner do I join the Blog does the format change and alienate me from everything I may have learnt already.

Anyways moving on today has been fairly rubbish really in tremendous contrast to yesterday (talk about that later). Today I went to bed at 12, woke at 12, went to work for 1, finished work at half five and since I got in I have done very little else than history revision, which is quite boring but hey will be done after Friday.

Yesterday was much better, for a start I got up at half 12 and went to my dads for a bit. Then about 2 i jumped on the bus for meadowhall and while there I saw a film called Employee of the Month, which is a film which i probably wont write an official review for because I have very little time (I think I should be doing history essays at this very moment but heyho).
Anyways was fun yesterday and I managed to stay out only slightly later than my Dad’s curfew, he wanted me in for 9, got in about half 11 but was all fine because I got a lift and didn’t have to rely on buses which is handy.

1 more comment on abooth202’s post he mentions the new series or whatever of Big Brother, NO just NO. That is all I have to say about the new Big Brother I thought after the poor ratings of the last Big Brother it might not have to come back to lure the more weak minded of us into weeks where we just live in squalor of untidied homes and apartments.
The more sensible of us will not almost die of supspense to see if some z-listing celebrity might or might not burn himself while cooking them beens and we might not collaspe if some foreign news reporter managed to sleep in their own bed (which knowing will never happen she will hop from bed to bed (no I don’t know who she is but this always seems to happen on this program, it is getting more predictable than Coronation Street)).

Im telling you now if Channel 4 didn’t own Deal Or No Deal then it would be falling head first into the abyss NOT to return again.


P.S. abooth202’s book really is as good and funny as he says it is. Glorify Terrorism Week is a strong candidate for my favourite week in the book.