Cruelty To People Must Stop Now …. Send Big Brother Where It Belongs.

Isn’t this a bit snazzy. No sooner do I join the Blog does the format change and alienate me from everything I may have learnt already.

Anyways moving on today has been fairly rubbish really in tremendous contrast to yesterday (talk about that later). Today I went to bed at 12, woke at 12, went to work for 1, finished work at half five and since I got in I have done very little else than history revision, which is quite boring but hey will be done after Friday.

Yesterday was much better, for a start I got up at half 12 and went to my dads for a bit. Then about 2 i jumped on the bus for meadowhall and while there I saw a film called Employee of the Month, which is a film which i probably wont write an official review for because I have very little time (I think I should be doing history essays at this very moment but heyho).
Anyways was fun yesterday and I managed to stay out only slightly later than my Dad’s curfew, he wanted me in for 9, got in about half 11 but was all fine because I got a lift and didn’t have to rely on buses which is handy.

1 more comment on abooth202’s post he mentions the new series or whatever of Big Brother, NO just NO. That is all I have to say about the new Big Brother I thought after the poor ratings of the last Big Brother it might not have to come back to lure the more weak minded of us into weeks where we just live in squalor of untidied homes and apartments.
The more sensible of us will not almost die of supspense to see if some z-listing celebrity might or might not burn himself while cooking them beens and we might not collaspe if some foreign news reporter managed to sleep in their own bed (which knowing will never happen she will hop from bed to bed (no I don’t know who she is but this always seems to happen on this program, it is getting more predictable than Coronation Street)).

Im telling you now if Channel 4 didn’t own Deal Or No Deal then it would be falling head first into the abyss NOT to return again.


P.S. abooth202’s book really is as good and funny as he says it is. Glorify Terrorism Week is a strong candidate for my favourite week in the book.