iPhone response

Ok, here we go.

Point Number One – It isnt just a phone, as i described in my post.

Point Number Two – The statement i made about Mac OS X being the most advanced operating system ever, wasnt my personal opinion. It is actually supported,

“Mac OS X is the world’s most advanced operating system” Amazon.com’s listing for Mac OS X
http://www.apple.com/macosx/overview/ – Apples own description, which they haven’t been sued over!
“Tiger is simply the most advanced personal Operational System on Earth!” MICROSOFT employee!!!

Point Number Three – Granted, most phones nowadys can play music, but the iPhone, is the ONLY phone that uses a fully functioning browser to surf the interent. All other phones have built in WAP browsers, 3G Browsers and none can render full screen webpages- FACT!

Point Number Four – I agree, the answer Sam got was obviously biased. But tell me this, why is it that all powerful processes that are performed by a computer, eg – Music/Film production, Photography, Server Design, Calculations and Web Crawling, are all majoritively performes with Macs, or Mac Based Server clusters? Once again, it is not my opinion, but a fact that Macs handle resources better than PCs do, they have better memory management, graphic rendering and alltogether faster processor speeds, relative to the same spec processors of PCs.

Point Number Five – The “TV box thingy”, actually called Apple TV, is not new and neither is it radical. It has been done many times before, see this website for a list of devices that do exactly the same thing, http://www.pvrwire.com/2006/11/30/alternatives-to-the-apple-itv/ .

Andrew Booth


About abooth202
My name is Andrew. Hi.

6 Responses to iPhone response

  1. Oatzy says:

    Ok, I want in!

    Firstly, this … MONSTROSITY (for want of a better word)… is not so much a mobile phone, but more a glorified PDA/iPod fussion (with texting capabilities)

    Second, this is very much in leagues with the Sony Ericsson Bluetooth watch (Click Here). Sure, it looks pretty and everyone will look on in aww. But no-one will actually buy one – it’s expensive, it thinks it’s better than it is and it’s EXTREMELY over the top.
    The only people that will buy them are rich celebrity snobs (it will be severly devalued when Paris Hilton is shown, half-naked, in the tabloids holding one), nerds and computer geeks, and (protentious) apple obsessives, who like to gloat ‘facts’ about apple products and then look down their noses at everyone else.

    Third, people who do get them will just do what they always do (with phones), flash it about, showing it off, snapping pics from time to time. They’ll treat it like an iPod* for the most part, and maybe (from time to time) send a couple of texts. (Or perhaps play with the internet to look up porn on the go).
    I mean seriously, anyone who is so addicted to the internet that they need to carry it around everywhere with them (‘just in case I need to look up the meaning of the word amphigory*’ or ‘just so I can check my mail on the go’) needs to seek medical attention… imediatley!

    And finally (for now), the touch screen will be very breakable, you’ll be continually cleaning greasey finger prints off the screen, and did anyone even consided how complicated and annoying web browsing will be in the absence of a (tangable) keyboard? (trust me, an on-screen keyboard will have you weeping in a matter of days).
    And on a similar note, if it can do all it’s said to do, why can it also create word documents, or slideshows? (oh wait, it’s because then, it would be a pocket sized laptop with win98 sized memory, and NO keyboard)

    Andrew, I know you’re in love with apple, and this shinny hunk of plastic and chrome has probably got you very aroused, but lets face it, it’s not THAT great. And Alex, I can’t believe I’ve actually agreed with you on something (but shouldn’t you be revising/learning Chemistry, instead of blogging/ranting?)

    Anyways, now I’ve got that off my chest, I can go back to whatever it is that I do.


    – Notes
    * Everyone who is likely to want an iPod already has one, so they’re not going to go out and buy another, just because it’s got lots of features (and less memory)
    * If you actually go and look this word up, you’ll just be proving my point

    Also, I’d like posting rights. Pretty pleeease Andrew.

  2. abooth202 says:

    Ok, Mr Oatzy. I am not in LOVE with Apple, and i never said that their products dont have faults, they do. I won’t be buying an iPhone for two reasons, i already have an mp3 player and i would never spend that much money (on any phone, be it Apple made or not).
    Posting rights you say? Hmm, ill have to think about that one.


  3. oatzy says:

    I think some of your reasons for not wanting to buy are in acordance with what I said.

    (That’s one to me. Thank You)


    (With regards blogging rights, I’m certain you know of my past works in that area.)

  4. abooth202 says:

    I have sent you an invitation to your hotmail address.

  5. Oatzy says:

    Running OS/X?
    I think not – details here

  6. LIM says:

    I have a phone. It does what it says on the packet
    it phones. And sometimes it texts.
    is there really any need for anything more?

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