Frist Psot

Yes, this is my first post here. I’m the new writer, they call me Oatzy (but you probably already know that).

The question was, what should I do for my first post here? It had to be good, it had to be memorable, but above all – it had to be random! So to that end, I shall begin.

Firstly, we all know Vincent Price, star of so many great, classic horror films. But, did you know he also advertised milk?

Funny stuff.

Second, I should be revising right now, but I’m evidently not. Maybe this can explain why. It’s a scientific study into procractination (including a formula !).

And finally (for now) what random post is complete without a rondom nuget of interesting information.

Did You Know – Nikola Tesla* cojoured up some seriously weird ideas (and patents) in his later life. These include such oddities as;
the Thought Camera*, force fields, Tesla-Vision*, a Poket Earth-quake Machine, Anti-gravity Spaceships, Teleportation, Time Machines, Particle Weapons (all in the late 19th century, and based on some ‘fairly’ sound theory).
And to top things of, he even slagged off Einsteins Theory of Relativity.

– Song of the Week?
Lets try – Weird Science by Oingo Boingo

So there you have it.
Till Next time. (It’s back to revision for me)


* Of Tesla coil fame, discoverer of AC current, namesake of the unit for magnetic induction, all round mad scientist, etc. etc
* This is a devise to take images from the mind and create physical copies (ie photographs)
* “
a wireless communications system involving impulses delivered directly to the epidermis”

About abooth202
My name is Andrew. Hi.

One Response to Frist Psot

  1. abooth202 says:

    Thanks for bringing iFilm to light, it looks a good sight, I’ll keep my eye on it. Andrew.

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