Where did he go, you ask?
Well, I went on a Business Studies residential to the JCB headquarters in Staffordshire, lots of diggers!
The visit was an overnight stay at a youth hostel (see pic), nice isn’t it?

Funnily enough, the JCB song by Nizlopi wasn’t being played inside the factory. Call me insane but I thought that at least one of the people we met would’ve mentioned it.

Anywhoo, just thought I’d mention it. Talk to you soon.


A radical thought

I know that many people will disagree with this but I really don’t care. I just listened to that radio broadcast about that old woman in rotherham who was murdered in her own home by a man who was only just released after robbery charges.

It just brought me back to the conclusion that I had already reached many years ago – the death penalty must be brought back into force in Great Britian.

In case you need further evidence of this you needn’t look far – the results of the recent Unicef survey clearly showed that British youths were the most socially destructive in all of Europe and the US, and there is no better deterrant than the fear of death.

please consider this objectively – but you know the statistics don’t lie!