Allow me to be Frank

“And now, the end is near…”

How fast has this year gone?! You get bored of everyone saying,
“Oh, this year’ll fly by”, and you just nod and agree but don’t really give it a second thought. But sadly, it is true.
The final stages of education at Wath are here. Everyday another year group seem to be leaving, and with the Y12s gone on Friday, the common room will seem deserted (although cleaner I must admit). I’ve been wondering all year what leaving would feel like, and I have to say I think it’s affecting me more than I thought it would. The inevitable realisation of leaving all my friends to make a new life at uni is terrifying, and yet I’m really looking forward to living in Hull. Remembering how scared I was moving from Primary School to Secondary School isn’t a comfort, at least I was moving with friends.
But, even though I sound depressed and all ’emo’ like, I’m not.

Still, I am apprehensive about uni and I realise I will be until the day i get there, all I have to do then is make some new friends!
Everyone is saying that they can’t wait for uni, to move out from their parents and to start a new life with new people away from Wath, being scared of this prospect seems to be taboo amongst peers, so I hope I’m not the only one who feels like this.

Anyway, I know that once I am there, making new friends and forgetting about Wath, not much of what i have just said will still stand true. It’s that first hurdle that I need to get over.
So, on the Friday that we leave, when we are having our ‘do’ (Mr Naylor, the backboneless Taylor), goodbyes will be flying round the common room and to be honest I’m not looking forward to this either. For some people, it will be the last time I see them, and I’ve never had to say goodbye in such a situation as that.
But, as Frank said, the end is definetly near, and all we’re waiting for now is that
‘final curtain’.

Andrew Booth

About abooth202
My name is Andrew. Hi.

3 Responses to Allow me to be Frank

  1. Oatzy says:

    Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who feels that way.

    I don’t know if it’s any comfort, but. You know how I’m really antisocial, well at the open ‘day’ at Durham [we spent the night there] I’d managed to make a handful of friends.

    I found the standard is to ask the following three questions:
    1) What’s your name?

    – always a good place to start

    2) Where are you from?

    – mostly trivial once you’ve actually moved to uni, but has the potential to open up small talk

    3) What are you here to study?

    – more small talk, more appropriate to ask if you’re not on the same course

    Once you’ve got through that, if they don’t look like they’re trying to get away from you, you’re probably ‘in’.

    Oh, and if there are any social activities, don’t be afraid to join in

    [The pub quiz did it to me – after the first round my team mates were already referring to me as the ‘fountain of knowledge’]

    And don’t worry about loosing your friends – remember, you can still keep in contact via the internet.

    [I’ve set up my own ‘Uni Blog’]

    Good luck with the exams, and I’ll see you Monday,
    [finally, we’ll have room to breathe]


  2. LIM says:

    With first hand experience I can honestly say that you have nothing to worry about

    remember in form the other day when Phoebe was referring to me as the “only foreigner”

    The truth is I’ve never felt like a foreigner at Wath n I’ve never felt more at place than I do here and I’ve already made better friends than I did at that chavy chavy sports college Holgate

    chances are when you go to Hell (ahem Hull, sorry) you’ll probably make more friends that you’ll keep for life.

    n like Oatz said, we’ll all just be a few megabytes away
    [due to the glory of the internet and more specifically Myspace]

    on a fianl low note 😦
    Friday probly will be the last time you see us you antisocial git


    all in favour say “aye”

  3. abooth202 says:

    Hey. Thanks for the responses. I like your idea of a Uni Blog Oatzy, might copy it if you don’t mind, and Henry, i promise that I will see you all in the hols.


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