Of first impressions, barcode scanners and The Gregmeister

Right now, it’s 11pm, I’m home for the weekend and enjoying my bed, so I thought I’d give a quick update as I’ve been a bit busy this last week to bother updating.

Uni Life is much more different than I expected. I thought with me being a total antisocialite, that I would crawl up in my room and sway to the sound of everyone else having fun.
Granted, I’m still not one for going out at night and attending all the Freshers events, but I have found that it is easier to talk to people than I thought. I’ve met a few people from withing my course who I hope will become better friends as time goes on.

Registration was also relatively painless. I only queued for about half an hour, and got a shiny new student card (with a really bad photo on!). To get into the library on campus and other services at the uni, you have to scan the barcode that is printed on the card. So I thought, now I have one, Ill check out the library, check my emails etc whilst I was there.
I spent about five minutes rotating my card in every way possible on this damn barcode scanner so the doors would open, before a woman came out and told me (with a grin on her face) that my card isnt actually active yet. Never mind, eh. She let me in regardless which was nice of her.

There are some rather random teachers/lecturers at the business school. The ones which I’ve met all seem crazy (in a good way). The Gregmeister, as she will now be called, makes terrible jokes and Benson (my Accounting lecturer) tells his students where to get the cheapest booze in town.

I miss Taylor!

Claire pointed out today that freedom at uni is a weird thing. After being at Wath with forbidden corridors, one way systems and Taylor on the gates; being able to walk around in and out of random buildings with a coffee in one hand seems surreal (once again in a good way). I was in the Biological sciences building the other day for a talk and i saw a stuffed badger on display, next to a vole, several whale bones and a pickled mouse.

Thats it for today. Once again, I realise this post should really be in my @Uni blog, but I think I may combine the two for the time being.

Nighty night.

(missing you all)

Of Second Life, boring days and Paris Hilton

I have been amazingly bored today, one of those days where the boredom overcomes any willingness to actually do something. So, today all I’ve done is sat on the settee with my computer watching TV and movies.

After finishing my cheese and bacon omlette (I’m trying new food ideas for uni), and the second movie of the day, The Island, I switched over to Sky News to see what was happening in the world.
Well, apart from Alastair Darling and the twitching of his ridiculously black eyebrows – mostly nothing. It did mention a new feature they have in which they broadcast certain interviews via a computer chat room thingy, called Second Life.

I’ve heard of Second Life before this, but never tried it, so I downloaded a copy, created an account and…… well, that was about it really. Call me a complete dunce, but I had no idea what to do apart from walk around this empty space with nobody else there. So, after wasting time doing that, I uninstalled it.

Paris Hilton. Yes, you know her. Whether you love her or hate her – something everyone has in common is that you most certainly will have an opinion of her. What I admire about the woman is how she has gone through life having absolutely no discernable talent whatsoever, and still managing to be one of the richest. But, my overwhelming opinion of her being a complete slitch (slut/bitch, like it?) supercedes that.

Why mention her? Well, I read this quote today from Dave Grohl (who I now absolutely respect as being a ‘good guy’), which is so blunt, yet true, it made me laugh;

“She’s a total, raging, disgusting, rich, lazy party slut. I pray that my daughter will not turn out like her.
“Paris is f**king lame, she’s more offensive to me than anything.”

Thats it for now.

Anyone watch Skins? Is it any good, I might watch it tonight.


Quote from here.

Of Pre-planned brain damage, multiple baths and slippers

I never could get the hang of Mondays.

I’ve just finished watching a film, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. It’s fantastically amazing. Basically, it involves wiping someones mind of a past relationship with a new technology, and because the protagonists mind is being erased throughout the film, there is no clear time line to the film, and whilst that does leave you confused at some points – it’s fantastic, if you haven’t seen it – buy it! One of the best films I’ve ever seen, it’s so surreal. It poses the question, if such a technology did exist, how can we be sure that the brain wont find another way of keeping your memory?

I want blue hair.

If you could have something erased, would you? What would it be?

I had a bath this morning, almost as soon as I got up. Five minutes ago, I was in the process of running another one – have I lost my mind?

Or at least a blue wig.

I found some slippers that I own earlier today. I like slippers but I get the feeling it’s an old man thing.

Like the logo thingy? –> I can’t use Photoshop so I just spent about a minute putting it together in OpenOffice Draw. The image isn’t mine, but it is royalty free.

This made me laugh.


Of Lord of The Rings, stale smelling fridges and HSBC customer service

The Lord of The Rings – I really want to like it, but for some reason am unable to. I’ve turned to reading the book before watching the films because quite frankly, they bore me.

Smeagol = Gollum, didn’t know that.

I went to visit my uni house for the first time on Friday. I know they say that you get all types of people at university but the accommodation office at Hull needed some kind of award for cultural diversity. When I got there, there was the most emo-ish girl you’ve ever seen with the tightest black skinny jeans I’ve ever seen (she had amazingly cool hair though, think Hayley Williams but fire-engine red). Next in line, was the biggest (weight, height and width) chav ever! A chav at university!!! Damn, and here’s me thinking I was rid of them.

Anyway, when I got the keys to my accommodation, I was the only one there. Checked out the sitting area and the kitchen (the fridges absolutely stunk and my mum started washing it instinctively), went up to my room (surprisingly huge compared to some of the rooms I’d visited on open days).
I moved most of my stuff in, then realised that I had come way too early and didn’t really want to spend a week living on my own in a house considering freshers week didn’t actually start till the 24th. So, whilst I did move most of my stuff in to my room, I’m now back home. I’m off (for good this time) on Friday again, and hopefully my ‘housemates’ will have arrived.

[After typing that, I realise this post should be on my @Uni Blog, nevermind.]

I recently applied for a HSBC student account, and while all went well, I got a call from HSBC the other day (note: they phoned me), and after answering the phone the polite yet obviously ‘English challenged’ woman said,
“How may I help you?” Deary me, the future does not look good for my student banking life with HSBC.

A couple of other random things and thoughts;

  • Is it wrong that I should be addicted to this song?
  • How should I decorate my room at uni?
  • The iPod touch is a waste of money and utterly ridiculous.

That’s it for now.

Good night

{WOW, thats a big spider!!!}
