Of first impressions, barcode scanners and The Gregmeister

Right now, it’s 11pm, I’m home for the weekend and enjoying my bed, so I thought I’d give a quick update as I’ve been a bit busy this last week to bother updating.

Uni Life is much more different than I expected. I thought with me being a total antisocialite, that I would crawl up in my room and sway to the sound of everyone else having fun.
Granted, I’m still not one for going out at night and attending all the Freshers events, but I have found that it is easier to talk to people than I thought. I’ve met a few people from withing my course who I hope will become better friends as time goes on.

Registration was also relatively painless. I only queued for about half an hour, and got a shiny new student card (with a really bad photo on!). To get into the library on campus and other services at the uni, you have to scan the barcode that is printed on the card. So I thought, now I have one, Ill check out the library, check my emails etc whilst I was there.
I spent about five minutes rotating my card in every way possible on this damn barcode scanner so the doors would open, before a woman came out and told me (with a grin on her face) that my card isnt actually active yet. Never mind, eh. She let me in regardless which was nice of her.

There are some rather random teachers/lecturers at the business school. The ones which I’ve met all seem crazy (in a good way). The Gregmeister, as she will now be called, makes terrible jokes and Benson (my Accounting lecturer) tells his students where to get the cheapest booze in town.

I miss Taylor!

Claire pointed out today that freedom at uni is a weird thing. After being at Wath with forbidden corridors, one way systems and Taylor on the gates; being able to walk around in and out of random buildings with a coffee in one hand seems surreal (once again in a good way). I was in the Biological sciences building the other day for a talk and i saw a stuffed badger on display, next to a vole, several whale bones and a pickled mouse.

Thats it for today. Once again, I realise this post should really be in my @Uni blog, but I think I may combine the two for the time being.

Nighty night.

(missing you all)

About abooth202
My name is Andrew. Hi.

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