Of Dæmons, Hedge Trimmers and Jailbreaking

How are you all? Enjoy the nice weather last week? Exams going okay? Sound off in the comments.

These past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me, not to mention stressful. It’s exam time at uni, and I’ve found that I actually needed to do some revision for these (unlike GCSE and most A-Levels), so much of my time over the past month has been spent doing just that. With twitter and Dr Pepper to keep me company, I’ve managed to get through it and only have one exam left next week before the Summer, which is ridiculously long (though I’m not complaining). 
I actually made a start on my reading list these past couple of weeks. I bought and read the first part of His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman, read that in a couple of days and am now onto the second part. I seem to have been in a cave in regards to this series as everyone else seems to have read it many years ago. I understand why though because they’re brilliantly written. (I reckon my Dæmon would settle as a cat).
Once again, last week the Booth family had a medical emergency of fantastic proportions. I came home from uni last Thursday to find that my sister was in hospital with half of her right index finger hanging off. To put a long story short, hedge trimmers + fingers = lots of blood. Luckily, things weren’t as bad as they seemed and after a quick operation to re-attach the cut finger it’s healing fine. She had some kind of small metal rod put into her finger to help the break in the bone heal, which is being removed in a months time – after which full functionality should return.
Jailbreaking. If you follow any kind of technology blog you’ll know what it is. If not, I provide this link for your delectation. As some of you may know, I bought an iPhone a while back and I’ve been playing with the idea of jailbreaking it for some time now. The main thing putting me off was that if something went wrong, Apple wouldn’t help me fix it and that would be a lot of money down the drain. But, after watching the latest episode of GeekBrief I took the plunge. The process was relatively painless but afterwards I wonder why I did it in the first place. The only good/useful app I found is one called Twinkle (a Twitter client), but I’ve always liked using Hahlo (a web-app) in the past. So, last night, I un-jailbroke my iPhone through a restore. A very pointless process all round.
It’s 00:20 so I really should be in  bed by now, so goodnight!