What I’m Watching

I love TV. I watch way too much of it. I think I’m one of the few people in Britain that doesn’t really mind paying for his TV license. 2009 has brought some awesome shows to the small screen and here is a quick update as to what I’m watching at the minute.

Probably my favourite is 24. Currently in Season 7 – we see CTU disbanded, Tony alive and well and Chloe as gorgeous as ever 😀 I don’t think 24 can ever get old – I was skeptical about whether it would work without a central theme like CTU but it has, brilliantly.

Skins is back!!! I watched seasons 1&2 but never really got into them fully. Season 3 started last month and I adore the new characters (my favourite being Naomi :D). Sure it’s unrealistic and over-the-top,  but it’s excellently written, acted and it makes great TV.

All Rights Reserves - Original Owner/Creator (I do not own this image)

All Rights Reserved - Original Owner/Creator (I do not own this image)

BBC3 aren’t known for top-quality programming, but I reckon they’ve done well with Being Human. With a tagline like, “A Vampire, a Werewolf and a Ghost Share a Flat in Bristol”, BBC3 couldn’t really get it wrong 😀 Again, the series is excellently acted – especially by Russell Tovey who I think we’ll be seeing more of in the future. 

Whitechapel started last week. Airing on ITV1, I wasn’t expecting much but I was pleasantly suprised (as much as one an be when describing a murder series). A crime-drama about a modern-day Jack The Ripper, the series is very dark and gruesome. I’ll be watching to the end – ‘to see what happens’.

Hustle came back this year for a fifth season, which saw the return of Mickey Bricks and some new characters following the departure of Danny & Stacie. The new guys blended effortlessly and the series shows once again the brilliant mind of Tony Jordan. I believe it’s the last in the series next week – I’ll be sad to see it go.

One of the less-than-impressive shows of the year so far has been Demons. The series finished last weekend, and no matter how much I tried to love it – I couldn’t get my mind off how bad Philip Glenister’s accent was. Shame really, because both Holly Grainger (Ruby) and Christian Cooke (Luke) seem to be great actors. I’m not sure what let the series down, perhaps the bad story-lines or perhaps it was just a bad idea for a series. 

There is some top-quality programming on at the minute, with some more to come in the near future (Torchwood S3 anyone?).


You gotta love it…