[Web Addictions, Identity Theft and Musicals]

[Scroll down to listen to music while you read]

The thing with addicts is, they go to any length to get their fix.

Being that my personal motto [or at least one of them] is ‘By any means necessary’,
I’m working around my pledge on a technicality.

[Hi Andrew. I’m back.]

As is often the case in life, you run out of things to say, then as soon as you try and stop your minds flooded with ideas.

But first, I don’t much care for it, but if you’re finding you can’t get hold of Harry Potter and you REALLY need to read it, you can ‘acquire’ a digital version on here.

Or the complete set on here.

And now, The Meat.

How To Stalk That Special Someone.

Legal Disclaimer
I will not be held accountable in any way for your actions as a result of reading this article.
It is for demonstrative purposes only, not a how guide to be followed and applied for [malicious] intent.

Here’s how it goes. I was reading an article earlier (in The Sun of all places) about ‘criminals’ using social networking site to harvest info for identity theft.

The Article make mention of Facebook and Bebo but not MySpace.
I have no experience of Either Facebook or Bebo. But since they’re mentioned I’ll assume it’s relatively easy to get the info you want. So that in mind, I’m going to focus on MySpace here (though there may be overlap in technique)

My first thought was, what info can you get about a person from their MySpace page(s)?

I could think of a few thing of the top of my head, but perhaps the more pertinent question would be, What do we want to know, and how can we get that from [the info on] MySpace?

So what do we want to know?

Name (first and last), date of birth, address, phone number, mobile number and email address.

[there may be other things I missed. Passwords and credit card numbers are a lot harder to get hold of – the only way you getting them is if the user’s REALLY careless or you’re willing to commit illegal acts (hacking, dumpster diving social engineering, general theft etc)]

[Given the size of this task, this article will be a multi-parter, spread over several blogs]

So I’ll start with Date of Birth.

The person’s age can be easily found on the persons profile page – assuming they’re telling the truth. Anyone who looks at my profile page will note my age as 100+.

So lying is a big road block. But, there are potential work around.

The first is complicated and unnecessary, read what they write on their page and in their blogs and use some bad ass deduction to try and fathom an age range.

The second way is much easier and shows wile.
Go to their friends pages. Ignoring bands, a huge percentage of a persons friends will be within a couple of years of their age. The possibility of all of their friends lying is relatively low, but be warned it is a possibility.

And of course, profile pictures can be a dead give away. Assuming they’re of the actual user, you can sort of guesstimate an age range.

It is also worth noting that your average MySpace user will be in the age range of about 16 to 30. Facebook seems to be more 30 to 50 [I lost the link]
[by average, I mean a huge chunk. That’s not to say there aren’t many outside of this range]

But then, if you know the person well enough (if you consider them that ‘special someone’), all this shouldn’t be necessary.
But all in all, these should give you a reasonable approximation of age/birth year.

But there is wiggle room (so to speak).
It’s possible for two people with the same age to be born in two different years.

So the next step is to get a better estimate of the date of birth.

The date of birth is not (to the best of my knowledge) shown anywhere on MySpace.
[But you do tell MySpace what it is.]

There is one clue – Star Signs.

The star sign will give you a range of about 30 day, within which the persons birthday will fall.
This tells you which of the two years [see above] they were born in.

It’s a matter of the relative.
What time of the year where they born in relation to the current date.

For example, in late August, a person born in early August will be the same ‘age’ as a person born in September the previous year.

It’s a little complicated, but if you’re determined you’ll work it out.

But this is really only estimating.
There is a way to get an exact date of birth. It’s not directly from MySpace, but it requires some info from it.

For that reason, I’ll have to leave it there ’till that info is found.

Next time – Name, address and how to use them.

Anyway, here are some songs from musicals.

It’s by no means comprehensive, there are lots of things missing, lots of random things, some songs have been replaced with ‘updated’ versions.

I tried to put them in some sort of order – it’s an order that makes sense to me, comprising of putting related artists together and trying to maintain a flow of mood (not upbeat songs running into darker songs), although there may be exceptions.

I hope there’s something in there for everyone to enjoy.

So basically, enjoy it or get on with your life.


Lots of love,


[Resurrecting a Dormant blog]

I really had to…

“Today sees the release of the iPhone in American, and dispite the arguments we had over at Andrews blog, I really would like one. It’s just so smooth and shiney.”


From Oatzy’s MySpace blog.

I Don’t Know Much About Art…

…but i know what i like.

“This self portrait of Polish artist Pawel Althamer has been erected outside the Palazzina Appiani in Parco Sempione, Milan’s main park. It is claimed the floating model has attracted more than 3,000 visitors since it was installed on Monday.”

From – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/07/entertainment_enl_1178881985/html/1.stm

Andrew Booth

Allow me to be Frank

“And now, the end is near…”

How fast has this year gone?! You get bored of everyone saying,
“Oh, this year’ll fly by”, and you just nod and agree but don’t really give it a second thought. But sadly, it is true.
The final stages of education at Wath are here. Everyday another year group seem to be leaving, and with the Y12s gone on Friday, the common room will seem deserted (although cleaner I must admit). I’ve been wondering all year what leaving would feel like, and I have to say I think it’s affecting me more than I thought it would. The inevitable realisation of leaving all my friends to make a new life at uni is terrifying, and yet I’m really looking forward to living in Hull. Remembering how scared I was moving from Primary School to Secondary School isn’t a comfort, at least I was moving with friends.
But, even though I sound depressed and all ’emo’ like, I’m not.

Still, I am apprehensive about uni and I realise I will be until the day i get there, all I have to do then is make some new friends!
Everyone is saying that they can’t wait for uni, to move out from their parents and to start a new life with new people away from Wath, being scared of this prospect seems to be taboo amongst peers, so I hope I’m not the only one who feels like this.

Anyway, I know that once I am there, making new friends and forgetting about Wath, not much of what i have just said will still stand true. It’s that first hurdle that I need to get over.
So, on the Friday that we leave, when we are having our ‘do’ (Mr Naylor, the backboneless Taylor), goodbyes will be flying round the common room and to be honest I’m not looking forward to this either. For some people, it will be the last time I see them, and I’ve never had to say goodbye in such a situation as that.
But, as Frank said, the end is definetly near, and all we’re waiting for now is that
‘final curtain’.

Andrew Booth

The Epic Of School

This is the video everyone’s been looking for, ‘The Epic of School’.
It a parody of ‘I’m not OK’ by ‘my Chemical Romance’, made with clips taken of peoples phones in the sixth form common room. Even if you don’t like MCR you should watch it. After all, it features year 12s being physically harmed, and our very own Henry ‘The Lim’ Lim.

So yeah. Here it is. Enjoy.

long day

This saturday started off normally enough – woke up late after goin to bed late (go figure), had breakfast, brushed me teeth, got in the car, remembered I was still in my PJ’s, got dressed and set off for Wing Chun.

not much to say, apart from that I got a pot of brown stuff that I have to keep out of sunlight, and a punch in the lip to boot.

finished Wing Chun at 12 as usual, got to Parkour late – as usual.

practiced my precision jumps, fell dowen a lot, looked at Jordan’s bone – that’s not a euphamism for anythin by the way – actually lookin at the bone in his knee while he was washin the blood off it (was awesome)

We trained on the cathedral for a while, where some woman came up to me and said it was inspiring to see young christians making the most of “what the Lord Hath given them” (or something like that)


left Parkour a bit early to register for the “planet fear urban race” (not as exciting as it sounds)

The deal is: The Sheffield Adventure Film Festival (ShAFF)is on to promote extreme sports n stuff, so as an activity they have maps of the city centre with check points marked on that you have to get to.

I took the option of runnin the shorter race of 30 mins, meaning I had 30 mins to get to these points and answer questions on the area to prove I’d got there – I know what you’re thinkin – “apart from the running, it sounds simple enough.”


one check point that really took the piss was;


needless to say I wasted little of my energy on this futile endeavour

-not that it helped in the slightest, I got back to the start point panting like a dog, 10 minutes late and got penalised 10 points GAAAAARRRGH!!!!!!

after that tiring business I booked my ticket for the Parkour and freerunning seminar in the showroom later this evening and buggered off home

where I was met by the horror that is…….Dennis and her webcam (she was going to show me a red 18 inch double dildo *whimpers*, still fun chattin tho)

sorted out the plans for tomorrows cinema excursion with Dinos and started writin this blog

But the night is still young and I have an interesting gig to get to. Peace out till tomorrow Y’all

RND 2007

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version=6,0,29,0″ width=”400″ height=”113″>

Not the usual

I know it seems kinda lazy to not make up my own post but this really is too funny!!


this is one of the guys I train with at the weekends

skip to the last 2 minutes if you don’t want to hear the speech


Where did he go, you ask?
Well, I went on a Business Studies residential to the JCB headquarters in Staffordshire, lots of diggers!
The visit was an overnight stay at a youth hostel (see pic), nice isn’t it?

Funnily enough, the JCB song by Nizlopi wasn’t being played inside the factory. Call me insane but I thought that at least one of the people we met would’ve mentioned it.

Anywhoo, just thought I’d mention it. Talk to you soon.



A radical thought

I know that many people will disagree with this but I really don’t care. I just listened to that radio broadcast about that old woman in rotherham who was murdered in her own home by a man who was only just released after robbery charges.

It just brought me back to the conclusion that I had already reached many years ago – the death penalty must be brought back into force in Great Britian.

In case you need further evidence of this you needn’t look far – the results of the recent Unicef survey clearly showed that British youths were the most socially destructive in all of Europe and the US, and there is no better deterrant than the fear of death.

please consider this objectively – but you know the statistics don’t lie!